44 2033180199

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Circulating androgen levels are not affected by the administration of vaginal micronized progesterone for withdrawal bleeding in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome

  • Carlos Dosouto,Jorge Rodríguez-Purata,Beatriz Álvaro,Sofía Gaggiotti-Marre,Ignacio Rodríguez,Francisca Martínez

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Neonatal and maternal outcomes after fresh blastocyst and cleavage stage embryo transfer in their first assisted reproductive technology

  • Mingze Du, Xingling Wang, Junwei Zhang, Zihua Liu, Jing Liu, Yichun Guan, Manman Liu, Wenxia Liu, Jiaheng Li

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Continuous versus intermittent paracentesis in severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome: A multicenter randomized clinical trial

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Публикация рецензирования для ассоциаций, обществ и университетов pulsus-health-tech