44 2033180199

Variations of circle of Willis in human cadavers

Shubhangi Yadav

Aims and Objective: The blood supply of brain is of great importance because of the metabolic demands of the nervous tissue. A significant anastomosis, the Circle of Willis exists between the carotid and vertebral arterial systems. An understanding of the distribution of the arteries is very important. As the neurological signs depends on the site of lesion.

Material and Methods: The study was conducted on 45 adult brain specimens of both sexes in human cadavers. The collected specimens were preserved in 10% formalin. The Circle of Willis of each brain was dissected with care.

Results: Variations of Circle of Willis in brain specimens includes – anomalous morphology, incomplete circle, and variable shape of Circle and variable length and external diameter of arteries of Circle of Willis. In the present study the terminal bifurcation of the basilar artery was found to be unequal in few cases.

Conclusion: Various diseases of arteries of brain like cerebrovascular attack, aneurysm, haemorrhage etc. are related to the anatomic patterns of the Circle of Willis. The knowledge of which is of considerable help to neurosurgeons.

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