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Study of active principles of Anacardiaceae family with special focus on treatment of dermatitis

Vijayendra V Itagi

In chronic diseases the prescriptions should not only be based on the symptoms similarity, but also in the existing basic miasms .this therapeutics approach of homoeopathy towards dermatitis is unique. While treating any disorders in homoeopathy always depends on symptom similarity & sphere of action of selected remedy based on the active constituents to get similimum. The facts which made me to think over that the selected remedies of same family i.e. Anacardiaceae (Anac Occ,Anac Ori, Rhus Tox &Rhus Ven).question arises as is there same active constituents or no? Which active constituents are responsible for curing dermatitis? Which active constituents are responsible for aggravating the disease condition? Comparative study made by evaluation through qualitative chemical analysis &TLC study made with special forms on treatment of dermatitis in reputed institute of pharmacy –SCS INSTITUTE OF PHARMACY-MANGALORE simultaneously studied on dermatitis cases at OPD’ S. Because of all these factors I took up the study on “study of active principles of anacardiaceae family with special focus on treatment of dermatitis” Study of active principles of same family made me to understand clearly cause & its effect related to remedy and disease entity (similia similibus curenter) and responsible factors to reduce effect of allergen by studying pathognomic symptoms matching with pathogenetic symptoms of dermatitis in an individual. Qualitative chemical test were conducted for Anacardiaceae family to identify the various phytoconstituents. The various test & reagents used are given below & observations are recorded in the tables.

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