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Short note on HIV prevention in young

Hagen Schumacher*

Adolescents and young people, especially those from East and Southern Africa and within important demographics, made up a large portion of the over 2 million new HIV infections that occurred globally in the previous year. In order to contain the global HIV epidemic, new infections among these youth populations must be reduced. The best preventative strategies to reach these adolescent populations in the upcoming five years are examined in this review.

Adolescents are in a stage of growth that is unique to them. They have unique requirements and difficulties that, if not met, will lead to treatments that are unsuccessful. It is advised to use customised, layered, combination prevention packages that include biological, behavioural, and structural elements that take into account the unique needs of adolescents. Adolescents should have a significant say in the design of these programmes, and they should be implemented and carried out with the help of their peers. When possible, youth friendly community based venues that are already popular with and acceptable to them should be used to deliver age appropriate health and social interventions that go beyond HIV.

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