44 2033180199

Radial artery mycotic aneurysm due to infective endocarditis: A case report and review of literature

Andrew I Tranmer*, Christopher L Kalmar, Matthew A Applebaum, Paul DiEgidio and Anthony E Capito

Mycotic aneurysms of the peripheral arteries are rare but significant complications of infective endocarditis. We report the case of a 51-year-old right hand dominant male with a history of infective endocarditis who presented with an enlarging, pulsatile mass in the left hand. Work up revealed a mycotic aneurysm in the dorsal branch of the left radial artery. The patient was treated with resection of the aneurysm and revascularization using a reverse interposition sa-phenous vein graft. The patient had a successful recovery without lasting neurologic deficits, signs of vascular insufficiency, or recurrence.

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