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Impact of Corticosteroids on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Christian Montag

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is characterized by an inexorable loss of both skeletal and cardiac muscle function with a well-characterized pattern of decline. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is characterized with the aid of using an inexorable lack of each skeletal and cardiac muscle feature with a nicelycharacterized sample of decline. It is likewise nicely mounted that cardiopulmonary failure is the maximum not unusual place purpose of demise in DMD, with variable contributions of every organ gadget to mortality. For many years, corticosteroids had been the most effective disease-editing cures for DMD; as such, they were extensively used for > 30 years. Duchenne Natural History Study (CINRG-DNHS) have confirmed the effect of corticosteroids on keeping motor feature and delaying the decline of pulmonary feature and of various kinds and dosing regimens of corticosteroids in keeping ambulation.

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