44 2033180199

Bioelectrical engineering and its applications

Daniel Trump

This study's goals were to investigate the use of bioelectrical impedance in obesity and to validate its application in determining human body composition. Eighty-seven adults with a variety of body fat percentages (8.8–59.0%) conducted underwater weighing and bioelectrical impedance measurements (density). According to previously reported regression equations, fat-free mass (FFM) derived from bioelectric impedance and fat-free mass (FFMd) determined from density were compared. All body fat levels had high correlation values (0.94-0.99), however in participants with body fat levels greater than 42%, impedance equations overestimated FFM relative to FFMd. The electrical characteristics of tissues have been documented. Additional descriptions of these characteristics were provided for a wider range of frequencies and a wider variety of tissues, including those that had been damaged or were undergoing a transformation after death. Thomasset carried out the initial research utilizing two subcutaneously implanted needles to detect electrical impedance as an indicator of Total Body Water (TBW).

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