44 2033180199

An unusual bilateral variation of the splenius capitis muscle: A case report

Orhan Beger, Turan Koc, Ugur Dinc, Kristina Altuncu, Deniz Uzmansel, Zeliha Kurtoglu

A bilateral variation of splenius capitis muscle was identified in a formalinfixed 25-week-old male human fetus during routine dissections at Mersin University, Medicine Faculty, and Department Anatomy laboratory. The variation was an extra stripe muscle tissue mostly on the splenius capitis and had the same appearance and the course on the both sides. The variative muscles originated at the occipital bone and inserted into the fascia of serratus posterior superior muscle. On the downward course, they superficially passed splenius capitis and splenius cervicis then continued deep to the rhomboid minor muscle. Awareness of such variations would help clinicians identify the etiopathology of myofascial trigger points and tumor-mimicking lesions related to splenius capitis more precisely.

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